5 Christmas Tree Decorating Trends of 2021

By Jesse Lam


Enhance Trees from Ordinary to Extraordinary


With Christmas just around the bend, most of us want to find that stunning tree—and even show it off for all the world to see. While some might be confidently rushing to get the trendiest, most eye-catching Christmas décor, there are others who might be staring at their naked tree and asking: How can I get creative this year? Or: How can I at least just decorate it differently than last year?

We understand the struggle, so here are some Top Trends that might inspire some ideas on how to turn your tree from Ordinary to Extraordinary.


Trend 1: Emerald Green is IN

Emerald Green is one of the hottest color themes this year, providing that ‘this-just-feels-so-right’ balance of modern and traditional. It’s a color scheme that works well with both green and snowy trees.

For green trees, consider pairing emerald, green ornaments with gold and glass décor for a perfect match. With warm white lights and gold ribbons, this tree will look sleek and elegant anywhere.

Fun tip – The emerald green décor also pops when you place it with white flocked branches. Add warm white lights to give off a nice natural contrast with the blend of white and green.


Trend 2: Faux snow indoors

Have you ever taken a stroll during a peaceful snowfall, and wished you could bring a snow-capped tree home? With flock, you can bring the snow indoors (without the cold)!

Pre-flocked trees give holiday enthusiasts a beautiful snow-covered tree—without the hassle. It’s a gorgeous white contrast that can make any décor pop.

For a more DIY approach, there are still easy ways to cloak your tree in white. While you can buy self-adhesive snow flock, you can also opt for cotton—it’s a great alternative for faux snow. Flocking is a beautiful way to create a home winter wonderland.


Trend 3: Slim down

Nervous that the Christmas tree is too big for your home? If so, you just might fall in love with slim and pencil trees, which are hitting the Christmas markets and delighting owners of smaller spaces. With a slimmer build, the tree can be conveniently placed by the front door, a dining room corner, or in your office.

While compact in size, the right skinny tree can capture the same essence as a traditional bigger tree. For that perfect skinny tree, click here.


Trend 4: Get smart

While you might already own a pre-lit Christmas tree, technology has transformed Christmas light decorations to another level, so consider upgrading.

Tech-smart Christmas trees let you change light effects, set timers, and even integrate them with Google Home or Amazon Alexa. Depending on models, you can also edit colors, light patterns and even sync music to dance with your lights!


Trend 5: Keep it classic

Tradition doesn’t have to be boring. Keep things simple with a classic color scheme. With white, red and green as the textbook colors of Christmas, you can use these shades as the basis of your decorating theme. Embrace the past with red ball ornaments, candy canes and ribbons while matching it with red stockings next to your tree. Sometimes, less can be more.


Channel your inner creative and turn your tree into a holiday conversation starter. Whether it’s following the latest trend, or starting one of your own, just make it a merry ole’ time.
